Athens’ and Sparta’s government and social standards may be polar opposites but they come from the same cultural origin, Greece. There were differences in the family life of people and paradigm of Athenians and Spartans. Athens vs. sparta... Athens and Sparta in this respect. Q. In Athens, women were not allowed in any kind of social activities. Sparta concentrated on unity while Athens ... 5 pages 43 Feb/2008 0.0 Thus, because both parts of Athens' government had leaders who were elected, Athens is said to have been the birthplace of democracy. Even though in Sparta women were to be trained almost the same as men, they stopped the training … ATHENS and Sparta were both Greek cities and their people spoke a common language. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually. Athens was the better city in pretty much all aspects of life. Some wealthy Spartan women participated in certain sports, and military training started for Spartan men at an early age. They both had their high points and their low ones. In Athens, participation came from all walks of life. While Athens and Sparta were both dominant powers in ancient Greece, there existed a legendary rivalry between the two. How were they different? They both were very powerful poli and wanted to spread their ways of life. List two rights the women of Sparta had that the women of Athens could not. In Athens, slaves usually worked in better conditions. Both, Athens and Sparta were city-states in Ancient Greece. Athens Sparta Athens was ruled by a democracy and believed the city should be run fairly. “Sparta.”, A&E Television Networks, 12 Nov. 2009, Available here. 1. “The Parthenon in Athens” By Steve Swayne – File:O Partenon de Atenas.jpg, originally posted to Flickr as The Parthenon Athens (CC BY 2.0) via Commons Wikimedia Asked 10/6/2014 10:59:35 AM. The Athenian political system was democracy whereas the Spartan one was dictatorship. They both are Greek cities. While Athens and Sparta were both dominant powers in ancient Greece, there existed a legendary rivalry between the two. Many people in Athens died mainly due to disease and sickness which spread. Loyalty to the state and service to the military were … , Which physical feature made Sparta somewhat isolated? These two city-states had very different opinions of their military. s. Log in for more information. Thus, because both parts of Athens' government had leaders who were elected, Athens is said to have been the birthplace of democracy. 4.7/5 (425 Views . Athens and Sparta. Athens and Sparta were both Greek city states, or otherwise known as acropolises, and they were just around 150 miles apart. 1 of 11 ; Athens and sparta 17,505 … Athens and Sparta fought angainst each other in the Peloponnesian War, they fought for a … Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually. Spartan life was simple. Sparta Vs Athens In Ancient Greece there were two different major forms of government, Oligarchy and Democracy. Additionally, it is for their fierce rivalry and influence that they have often been the subject of much comparison and analysis. More importantly, the slaves ranked bottom of the social order in both cities while military men ranked the top of the social order. However, both city-states had military strength, and they both played important roles in the defense of ancient Greece. In ancient Sparta, reading and writing were not very important, so they were taught as a secondary skill for both boys and girls. Both men also belonged to the legendary Seven Sages, who were famed for their wisdom. When considering the women of Sparta, one should associate these traits to them as well.Life in Sparta was better for women compared to life in Athens because the women had more freedom, had a better education, and had more respect in Sparta.Spartan women were seen as the ones to make the … Sparta’s military was heavily equipped and intensely trained, earning them … Males received a well-rounded education (reading, writing, poetry, music, speaking, athletics) BOTH. If a woman’s spouse passed away she could not keep the land unless she married someone else before they took the land away. Imagine being an Athenian and your true love left you for a Spartan (or the opposite). Yet they were as diverse as they could be. The First Peloponnesian War ended in an arrangement between Sparta and Athens, which was ratified by the “Thirty Years’ Peace” (winter of 446–445 BC). Sparta. SlideShare Explore Search You. Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. Terms of the Treaty. Athens and Sparta were the two most prominent city-states in ancient Greece. Both also participated in the annual Olympics, an ancient Greek national athletic competition which is now a worldwide tradition. In this chapter, you will learn about two of the most important Greek city-states, Athens and Sparta. empires. Sparta was based on oligarchy and had two rulers. What were the differences between the two city-states of Athens and Sparta? These City-states were flashes in the pan of history. The role of women in both Athens and Sparta had their similarities and differences. Sources. They share a lot of the same things in common like language and religion. Excellent army with strong warriors who invented the phalanx. This southern part is called the Peloponnesian Peninsula. Athens and Sparta were city-states. Athens + Sparta By: Michaela and Amelia Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Mothers encouraged to be strong and healthy to bear healthy children. Subjects: Ancient History, European History, World History. Athens rose high from the plain. While Athens tried things like ostracism and sortition, Sparta retained its monarchic diarchy with veto powers and kept Ephors ’ terms very short. Athens and Sparta were both powerful civilizations seen as utopias by their people. There were no court officials, no lawyers, and no official judges. It was aimed at the cultivation of the students' physical, mental, and moral qualities. If one had the chance to live in ancient Greece and choose one of these two city-states, the decision would be tough to make. Q. The main purpose of education in Ancient Athens was to make citizens trained in the arts, and to prepare them for both peace and war. So, they set out conquering states that had enough food supplies, and in return the conquered land would get protection from invading armies. Athens (America) and its allies, … Athens. (Both Athens and Sparta had this type of soldier) Athens military training: in Athens boys were sent to school to learn reading, writing, math, and other things from the age of 6 to 17. Sparta, like the first city mentioned above, had a culture that valued physical strength and military might. Sparta was a … Athens and Sparta were the two most advanced Greek cities of the Hellenic period(750-338 B.C. However, it was also the result of the longer-term interaction between the Greeks and Persians. 1. . Both Athens and Sparta had an Assembly, whose members were elected by the people. While Athens’ culture … Sparta was ruled by two kings who made all of the decisions. Ancient Athens: the birthplace of democracy, education and the pinnacle of knowledge and learning in the ancient world. Answer Sparta as seen in may views in history was ruled by aristocrats with a king and the Athenian people were a democratic monarchy or republic so the answer is c Sparta. Athens and Sparta were both wonderful cities but only one could be the best, and that was Athens. Two Cities.Athens and Sparta came up with different solutions to the challenges facing the early Greek poleis.In the eighth century b.c.e. ×. Get … Many Greek cities dreaded facing the Athenian navy where Sparta frightened these city-states on land. By the Spring of 423, the terms of a treaty for a one year truce had been hammered out, and were sent to both governments for approval. Q. The first Persian invasion of Greece had its immediate roots in the Ionian Revolt, the earliest phase of the Greco-Persian Wars. While the war is commonly believed to have ended with the capture of the Athenian navy in 405 and the subsequent starvation of Athens, fighting in Greece would continue for several decades. The Punic Wars pitted The Roman Republic against Carthage. However, Athens and Sparta are both remembered mostly for their strength and knowledge. However, people in these two cities were very greatly. city-states. Both had a strong military and engaged all of its citizens in war. Athens and Sparta were both known as city-states. Sparta. Both Athens and Sparta had an Assembly, whose members were elected by the people. Although Athens and Sparta were both Greek and shared some common elements of Greek culture, they were also very different. Both Athens and Sparta had an Assembly, whose members were elected by the people. While hegemon, Athens was the center of culture and intellectual development in the Mediterranean. Upload; Login; Signup; Submit Search. Two of the most powerful cities’ in the ancient times, Sparta and Athens were alike and different. They were both unique in different ways and each thrived in different areas. But in the end, it is an obvious choice that Athens was clearly the better Greek City State. Sparta wanted all of their members to be strong, educated, and able to fend for themselves. Athens was the main educational, intellectual and cultural center of Ancient Greece. Athens were attacked several times in this ear by Romans, but Greeks always looked towards Sparta as a place which was safe. Both Athens and Sparta had an Assembly, whose members were elected by the people. Athens and Sparta were two of the largest City-States of Ancient Greece. This war was between Athens and Sparta that resulted in the transfer of domination in Greece from Athens to Sparta. What is Sparta Its area swayed Athenians to look outward as far and wide as possible past the city. It was called the Peloponnesian War. Moving on to the location of both towns, Athens was located at an area where the mountain surrounded the city while Sparta was built on top of the mountains which gave it a better and more secure location when it comes to war and attacks. One of them was the commander of the army and he could go to war with any country he chose. These city- states had a plethora of contrasting characteristics, with few similarities. Athens and Sparta were probably the two most famous and powerful city-states in Ancient Greece. They believed in education, but only for boys. Which were the two most powerful city states of ancient Greece? ), both Sparta and Athens gathered allies and fought on and off for decades because no single city-state was strong enough to conquer the others. Each city state Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. Athens and Sparta . Athens. , Spartans were proud to produce _____ rather than artists and thinkers. [12] Athens eventually regained some power and continued trading the position of hegemon back and forth with Sparta until the Macedonian Empire conquered the major Greek city-states. Home; Explore; Successfully reported this slideshow. The war embroiled the entire Greek world, provoking years of butchery previously unparalleled in Whilst they both were part of the Greek society, spoke Greek and worshipped the same Gods, Athens and Sparta were remarkably different in their lifestyles, customs and social edicts. However socially and culturally, Athens had a lot of progress, especially with the development of a direct democracy. Athens and Sparta were both greek cities but they shared different opinions and society. In Athens, freedom meant having a voice in creating laws. Athens Vs. Sparta Tyler King Greece, a country united by its name, but divided by its opinions, was separated into many city-states. Athens and Sparta were both Greek city states. How different were the lives of their citizens? Both Athens’ and Sparta’s governments were elected by the people. Court officials were paid little, if anything, and most trials were completed within a day, with private cases done even quicker. In every other respect they were different. As stated previously, both Athens and Sparta were city-states (polis). Later Athens came to be ruled by the people as a democracy whilst Sparta remained an oligarchy. Both governments were formed by wealth status with the richest members … In Sparta, the assembly was answerable to the King, who could be ruthless. Athens and Sparta are one of the highly distinguished cities in Greece. Athens is in central Greece, just four miles from the Aegean Sea. Athens was based on a democratic form of government where people were elected on an annual basis. Athens and Sparta were two of the largest City-States of Ancient Greece. The women of Athens had little to no rights; they could not own land or vote and their primary roles were to be housekeepers. Sparta and Athens were the most powerful states of ancient Greece; they were also each others biggest rivals. Answer: 2 question Athens and sparta were both countries. Spartan life was simple. Both made a permanent place in world history and even influenced the modern world. The most unlucky slaves worked in the silver mines, for around 10 hours a day, 300 feet below the ground. Its people were educated in the arts and the sciences and also went to military school for a minimum of 2 years. They were close together on a map, yet far apart in what they valued and how they lived their lives. Unlike the democratic Athens, Sparta was a monarchy city-state, ruled by two kings who shared responsibilities and power. Then came the council of Elders which was made up of 28 men over 60 and they proposed laws to the assembly. Education was very military focused for boys and girls, so most of the skills they learnt in school were combative and war centered. Question. Sparta, on the other hand, was located in the Laconia region and exhibited a more temperate and dry climate. (Brand, n.d., pg … Their jobs are to watch over children and slaves. Whole cities were exterminated, their men killed, their women and children enslaved. Athens controlled the whole Attic region and could be defined as a perfect democracy. Mar 18, 2015 - In the 5th century BCE, both Athens & Sparta were the two major powers in Greece. Athens and Sparta were two city-states in the ancient Greece , which also had two different political systems or government. In 499 BCE, Athens sent troops to aid the Ionian Greeks of Asia Minor, who were rebelling against the Persian Empire during the Ionian Revolt. Sparta and Athens were both Greek city states that dominated ancient Greece during the fifth century BCE. Each city state had at least a partially elected government and a strong military, and both relied on the labor of slaves. Sparta and Athens had similar forms of government; both city states were in part governed by elected assemblies. Sparta was focused on having a perfect military, One of them was the commander of the army and he could go to war with any country he chose. The differences between Athens and Sparta eventually led to war between the two city-states. However, the differences outweigh the similarities in these two ancient civilizations. Is this statement about Sparta, Athens or both of them: Women could own land and run a business. Athens was the largest and most powerful Greek state. In 500 BC the Persian Empire was still relatively young and highly expansionistic, but prone to revolts amongst its subject peoples. This name was given because really it was a long series of conflicts between both Athens and Sparta that eventually ended with a surrender of the Athens in 404 BC. One of them was the commander of the army and he could go to war with any country he chose. Sparta and Athens were both polytheistic; Sparta's patron saint was Ares and Athens' was Athena. Once an Athenian boy turned 18, he was registered in a deme and entered into a two year period of military training. Is this statement about Sparta, Athens or both of them: Boys start training at age 7 and were in the military until age 60. answer choices. The city-states of Classical Greece all fostered different virtues, styles of government, laws and standards for behavior. Athens’ Government ruled as a democracy. the Spartan name for a captive worker, Name the 594 B.C. It was inevitable that their spheres of influence would overlap & cause conflict, which they eventually did, resulting in the Peloponnesian Wars. When boys turned 18 in Athens they were required to go to military school and learn how to fight in battle. The Spartan general Lysander and the kings Agis II and Pausanias besieged the city of Athens itself, and, cut off from both land and sea, Athens was starved into surrender, ending the war. Be sure to include details about how the city you are visiting and how it compares to your city. They were an oligarchy state. Both Athens and Sparta have benefits to living in them, which is why they were two of the most well known city-states in Ancient Greece. Moving on to the location of both towns, Athens was located at an area where the mountain surrounded the city while Sparta was built on top of the mountains which gave it a better and more secure location when it comes to war and attacks. And what can we… Unlike Athens, Sparta was a warrior society and encouraged both affluent men and women to pursue physical fitness. But both Athens and Sparta were also required to give up the territories they had conquered in the early parts of the war. The boys learnt survival skills and other skills vital to … However, people in these two cities were very greatly. Athens and Sparta were both Greek city states. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually. Athens and Sparta were both wonderful cities but only one could be the best, and that was Athens. Women were seen to be inferior to men in almost every aspect of life. What were Sparta and Athens? Sparta and Athens were both Greek city states that dominated ancient Greece during the fifth century BCE. Yet they were as different as they could be. 500. However, people in these two cities were very greatly. Sources The Peloponnesian War by … Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually." They were both way ahead of thier time, yet had different veiws on life. However, people in these two cities were very greatly. Sparta also had a very strong army so I would feel safe everyday. Sparta’s Government ruled as an oligarchy by 2 Kings. They were the first to ever do this.
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