Ebola is a rare but deadly virus that causes fever, body ache, diarrhoea etc. The outbreaks involved more than 500 cases and at least 400 deaths caused by clinical hemorrhagic fever. Many of the hospitals and staff members were unaware of the symptoms and transmission of this virulent virus until it was too late and it spread among patients and staff members. Preliminary report: isolation of Ebola virus from monkeys imported to USA. The first an outbreak timeline, the next three are a basic overview of the deadly virus. Was first discovered after an outbreak in Uganda in 2007 and was confirmed as a new species shortly afterwards. Ebola disease •Ebola disease is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. Ebola Virus Disease is a rare but deadly disease caused by a virus transmitted initially from animals to humans. The results indicate a weaker interaction of Reston virus VP24 with KPNA5 than Ebola virus VP24, which is probably associated with a decreased ability to interfere with the host cell interferon response. Ebola Virus Disease Information for Clinicians in U.S. Healthcare Settings; Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Call- What U.S. Informal, Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa → Ebola virus outbreak 2014, No conclusion, 7 October 2014, Talk:Western African Ebola virus epidemic/Archive 6#Page name; Informal, Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa → 2014 Ebola Crisis, Closed and directed to RM, 9 October 2014, Talk:Western African Ebola virus epidemic/Archive 6#Title Change Several experimental and existing therapies may be options for preventing and treating Ebola virus … Four of them affect people. The symptoms last for 2 to 21 days. Out of 116 confirmed cases there were 39 deaths making the death rate 34%. This first outbreak in Conakry was mainly characterized by the young age of predominantly male patients, working in the informal economical sector, or in medical and paramedical occupations. Ebola’s last stand: Epidemic in West Africa nearing conclusion. New Ebola Outbreak Suggests The Virus Might Lurk For Years Inside People. This can happen when a person touches the infected body fluids or objects that are contaminated with them, such as medical equipment like needles and syringes. In this paper one will be presented with six major points of analyses. [[{"attributes":{},"fields":{}}]] Hypsignathus … The Ebola virus basically causes uncontrollable bleeding externally and internally. When he returns he warns his boss, Brigadier-Gen. Ford, of the lethal nature of the virus and wants to put out an alert. In conclusion, World Health Organization said that the Ebola outbreak that occurred in March 2014 was the most important to happen yet in history by claiming more than 11,300 people's lives and infecting over 28,500 people all over the world (World Health Organization, 2016, par. Ebola virus kills as many as 90% of the people it infects. - Because they are stressed out. Conclusion. Ebola Virus Disease: Understanding the Current Outbreak. Jahrling, P.B. Ebola Virus Essay Conclusion of MA and PhD qualified experts working tirelessly to provide high quality customized writing solutions to all your assignments including Ebola Virus Essay Conclusion essays, term papers, research papers, dissertations, coursework and projects. It occurs when clients beg us for college essay help, claiming us to be their final chance. Global cooperation, collaboration and investment are necessary to ensure a safer future. After Ebola virus disease (EVD) emerged in Sierra Leone in 2014, a total of 8,704 confirmed cases and 3,955 deaths had been reported as of the declaration of EVD transmission-free status on November 7, 2015 ().Approximately 4,000 survivors are in the country, and evidence of the frequency and duration of sequelae over an extended period is limited in this cohort. The Ebola virus has a tropism for liver cells and macrophages, macrophages are cells that engulf bacteria and help the body defend against disease. 570 Words; 3 Pages; 3 Works Cited; The Ebola Virus. Marburg virus is a hemorrhagic fever virus of the Filoviridae family of viruses and a member of the species Marburg marburgvirus, genus Marburgvirus.Marburg virus (MARV) causes Marburg virus disease in humans and nonhuman primates, a form of viral hemorrhagic fever. Introduction Ebola hemorrhagic fever or Ebola HF is a dreadful and fatal disease in both humans and nonhuman primates, and is caused by an infection of the Ebola virus. As of May 19, 2019, there were 1826 confirmed cases and 1218 deaths, making it the second largest outbreak of Ebola virus disease in history, with a case fatality rate of 66%—much higher than previous outbreaks.1 Jeremy Farrar, … Ebola virus human infection initially presents with nonspecific symptoms such as fever, vomiting, and severe diarrhea. Ebola virus (EBOV) outbreaks have occurred with an increased frequency since 1994 (1, 2).Four species of EBOV are known to cause EBOV disease (EVD) in humans: Zaire (ZEBOV), Sudan (SUBOV), Tai Forest, and Bundibugyo (BDBV) with fatality rates ranging from 25% to 90% ().BDBV is known to have caused only two outbreaks with fatality rates of 32% and 36% (). CONCLUSION: Our results provide novel molecular detail on the interaction of Reston virus VP24 and Ebola virus VP24 with human KPNA5. Massive destruction of the liver is a hallmark feature of Ebola virus infection. It has hurt many people and cost them lots of money. Virus Hunter: Thirty Years of Battling Hot Viruses Around the World. US Pharm. The clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Ebola virus disease are discussed elsewhere. The mere essence of their existence is not to cause harm, they are living organisms who want to reproduce and spread with the help of a host. Ebola virus was discovered in 1976 when two severe epidemics of hemorrhagic fever occurred in Sudan and Zaire. This time last month, national authorities in the African nation of … The main viral determinant of Ebola virus pathogenicity, inducing cytotoxic effects in human endothelial cells, is still uncertain but usually associated with the intracellular synthesis or transport of the gene product of the Ebola virus surface virion GP to the cell surface. et al. Ebola is a virus that is spreading at an excelerating rate. Ebola virus is normally considered as a conceivable biological weapon, thus there is a crucial need to develop effective antiviral drugs and vaccines. Without doubt, Ebola has put a big impact on the Congo. The virus also can remain in breast milk, amniotic fluid, eye fluid, and spinal column fluid. Ebola survivors may have lasting side effects from the virus. These could include fatigue, muscle aches, stomach pain, and eye problems. How do I know if my symptoms are related to Ebola virus disease? In conclusion, the Ebola virus currently does not a confirmed resivre it comes from. Here, different monoclonal antibodies (mAb1, mAb2 and mAb3) of Ebola virus were screened in a real-time and label-free manner using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) to select an appropriate antibody for biosensor applications against a biological warfare agent. After … Conclusion. This virus is an acute and often fatal illness. Keywords Ebola, Ebola virus, Ebola vaccine, Ebola treatment, antivirals. “Taken together, our results clearly point to the conclusion that [Ebola virus] has gradually spread across central Africa from an origin near Yambuku in the mid-1970s,” they wrote. So far, Ebola has been confined and isolated but there is always a risk of it Sources: Situation reports received from the ministries of health of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Sierra Leone, and the World Health Organization. The first an outbreak timeline, the next three are a basic overview of the deadly virus. Ebola (also known as Ebola virus disease) re-emerged on February 2021 in Africa. [Epub ahead of print] Association between treatment with oral third-generation cephalosporin antibiotics and mortality outcomes in Ebola virus disease: a multinational retrospective cohort study. 40 Years of Ebola Virus Disease around the World. Marburg virus is a hemorrhagic fever virus of the Filoviridae family of viruses and a member of the species Marburg marburgvirus, genus Marburgvirus.Marburg virus (MARV) causes Marburg virus disease in humans and nonhuman primates, a form of viral hemorrhagic fever. Ebola virus disease (EVD) in West Africa was first reported during early March 2014 in Guinea’s 3 southeastern prefectures (Gueckedou, Macenta, and Kissidougou), which border Liberia and Sierra Leone; however, retrospective investigations indicate Ebola virus (EBOV) transmission might have occurred in Guinea since December 2013 (1–4).On March 27, 2014, EVD was reported in … A virus is an ultramicroscopic infectious organism that, having no independent metabolic activity, can replicate only within a cell of another host organism. There are five known strains of the virus. Conclusion: Ebola virus is highly virulent and fatal, and treatment options are limited. This usually results in death(www.encyclopedia.com). The Ebola virus poses significant threat to humans and animals. Several experimental and existing therapies may be options for preventing and treating Ebola virus disease. "In conclusion, we have identified Rhodiola rosea as a potent Ebola virus entry agent", the researchers summarize their findings. Bundibugyo ebolavirus (BDBV): Causes severe hemorrhagic fever in humans, and was endemic in Uganda. Key Challenges to Ebola Surveillance Case Definitions. 25 years later, it resurfaces - and Col. Sam Daniels of the U.S. Army is sent in to investigate it. Good Essays. Recent years have seen dramatic increases in the size and frequency of Ebola outbreaks. Conclusion. Conclusion Ebola, a major threat to today's society, is threatening all parts of today's culture. 10. The bubonic plague’s lack of ability to mutate quickly only adds to the conclusion that the Ebola virus would result in far more devastation then an outbreak of the Black Plague. When he returns he warns his boss, Brigadier-Gen. Ford, of the lethal nature of the virus and wants to put out an alert. In Sierra Leone, over 14 000 c ases of Ebola and about 4000 deaths were confirmed between May 2014 and January 2016, which made it the largest documented outbreak of … Research on Ebola Abstract In the United States of America there was an outbreak in 2014. Compositions are provided that are operable as immunogens to elicit and immune response or protection from EboBun challenge in a subject such as a primate. Initial stages of Ebola virus infection are nonspecific, which makes the differential diagnosis broad; therefore, clinical suspicion of the infection with prompt isolation is very important in the context of a history of exposure. Victims can die of … _____ Warning!!! "This traditional Chinese medicine has potent anti-Ebola activity and proven safety profile, making it a promising antiviral for further development." Several experimental and existing therapies may be options for preventing and treating Ebola virus disease. Alternate Text: The figure above is a line graph showing the cumulative number of cases of Ebola virus disease reported from Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Senegal during March 29-September 20, 2014. Ebola is a rare and often fatal illness caused by viruses of the family Filoviridae, genus Ebolavirus, which has five viruses: Ebola virus (EBOV), Sudan virus, Bundibugyo virus, Taï Forest virus, and Reston virus.All viruses cause disease in humans except Reston virus, which has caused asymptomatic infections in humans … For this purpose, a gold SPR chip was modified with 4-mercaptobenzoic acid (4-MBA), and modification was confirmed by … So Sudan virus has been found in south Sudan in 76, in 79, then in Uganda in 2000, 2012, 2011. ABSTRACT: Ebola virus disease, caused by the filovirus Ebolavirus, leads to viral hemorrhagic fever and is fatal in many cases. You may not even expect your assignments to be so good but when you read your essay done by TFTH, you will instantly realise how good they are!’ One of these deadly viruses is the Ebola virus, a highly contagious, deadly and mysterious microbe, known to be the most lethal virus known to human kind that have caused many devastation. One affects only nonhuman primates (monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees) and pigs. Initiative Ebola Crisis – Conclusion and Recommendations. Ebola is a deadly infectious disease with an average case fatality rate of 50%. The periodic outbreaks of the disease offer examples of how selective pressures imposed on a pathogen follow the predictions of the Trade-off hypothesis linking virulence (and attendant host mortality) with rate of transmission. Ebola GP was found to have accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum . Along with the Marburg virus it is a member of the family Filoviridae. Ebola virus was first described in 1976 near the Ebola River in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Ebola virus is found in animal reservoirs and can be transmitted to humans in the case of “inadvertent contact”. Once the zoonotic transmission takes place, the virus is extremely contagious. Death rate ranges between 30% and 90%, the first EVD outbreak was reported in the 1970s in Zaire. A virus similar to Ebola & Lassa is discovered in Africa in 1969. Ebola viruses cause a severe and often deadly illness known as Ebola virus disease (EVD; previously referred to as Ebola hemorrhagic fever). IIX. Bats are thought to be the natural host to the disease, and initial infection can occur when humans come in contact with a bat or eat an animal that has been infected by a bat. Ebola Virus Conclusion Essay of TFTH Ebola Virus Conclusion Essay only. References. Combined Simian Hemorrhagic Fever and Ebola Virus Infection in Cynomolgus Monkeys. This usually results in death(www.encyclopedia.com). The Deadly Ebola Virus The Ebola Virus is the common name for several strains of virus, three of which are known to cause hemorrhagic fever in humans, which is characterized by massive bleeding and destruction of internal tissues. After Ebola virus disease (EVD) emerged in Sierra Leone in 2014, a total of 8,704 confirmed cases and 3,955 deaths had been reported as of the declaration of EVD transmission-free status on November 7, 2015 ().Approximately 4,000 survivors are in the country, and evidence of the frequency and duration of sequelae over an extended period is limited in this cohort. Sometimes we can even detect notes of either desperation Ebola Virus Essay Conclusion or anxiety. Do you know why almost all your classmates seek writing help? •The average Ebola case fatality rate is around 50%. Conclusion Conclusions & recommendations. That conclusion comes from a sweeping analysis of 99 Ebola virus genome sequences that comprise some 70 percent of the Ebola patients diagnosed in Sierra Leone in late May to mid-June. Ebola Virus Disease: an Update on Therapeutics and Vaccines. Symptoms of the Ebola Virus include fever, weakness of muscles, muscle pain, headache and sore throat to start out. 2020 Jan 7. doi: 10.1111/tmi.13369. Then your organs become liquefied. Due to the fact that researchers still do not completely understand the pathophysiology of the virus this disease is hard to control and no cure is known yet. Peters, C.J. Ebola Virus Essay Conclusion some of them sound similar to: Please help me write my essay! It cannot be over-emphasized that a truly effective international preparedness and response coordination mechanism cannot be managed nationally. 1. Lack of a consistent Ebola case definition was an early impediment in the response. The Lancet 1990;335:502-05. Most of the 1,100 human cases, with nearly 800 deaths, developed in Africa due mainly to direct and intimate contact with infected patients. Initial stages of Ebola virus infection are nonspecific, which makes the differential diagnosis broad; therefore, clinical suspicion of the infection with prompt isolation is very important in the context of a history of exposure.
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