Annual population growth rate for year t is the exponential rate of growth of midyear population from year t-1 to t, expressed as a percentage . Turkish Cypriot daily Yeni Duzen reported that Odul Muhtaroglu, ‘permanent secretary of the state planning organisation’ said that for […] The population density of Cyprus in 2020 was 130.53 people per square kilometer, a 0.73% increase from 2019. Cyprus reports "marriages of Cyprus residents" and "all marriages." In 2020 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 5,642. 22.3% of Cyprus population at risk of poverty in 2019 EU statistics on income and living conditions found that in 2019, 194,400 Cyprus residents were living in households with disposable income below the at-risk-of-poverty line. Date of Release: 30/11/2020 Category: Annual Publication. The population of the European Union (EU) grew to 513.5 million by January 2019, compared to 512.4 million in January 2018, an increase of 1.1 million (+2,1%), Eurostat said on Wednesday. 114/2019 - 10 July 2019 First population estimates EU population up to over 513 million on 1 January 2019 More deaths than births On 1 January 2019, the population of the European Union (EU) was estimated at almost 513.5 million, compared with 512.4 million on 1 January 2018. The people of Cyprus are broadly divided into two main ethnic communities, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, who share many cultural traits but maintain distinct identities based on ethnicity, religion, language, and close ties with their respective motherlands. 2015 – 848,300. This statistic shows the age structure in Cyprus from 2009 to 2019. As of 1 January 2021, the population of Cyprus was estimated to be 1,216,056 people. The population density of Cyprus in 2019 was 129.58 people per square kilometer, a 0.78% increase from 2018. Cyprus - 2020. 33.61 (2015) Absolute annual change in primary energy consumption. It is the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean. Republic of Cyprus statistics estimated the 1988 population of the whole island at 687,500, and that of … Population growth in Cyprus From 1960 to 2019 the population of Cyprus increased from 572,930.00 to 1.20 m people. Cyprus population is equivalent to 0.02% of the total world population. Cyprus ranks number 158 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population. The population density in Cyprus is 130 per Km 2 (336 people per mi 2 ). The total land area is 9,240 Km2 (3,568 sq. miles) Looking back, in the year of 1960, Cyprus had a population of 0.6 million people. Cyprus population 1219199 (live) The population of Cyprus is expected to grow by 9,000 in 2021 and reach 1,224,000 in 2022. In 2020 2021, the population of the city of Nicosia, Cyprus is - 55 014 people. used data from the number of the population from official sources. According to government statistics, 81.14 percent of Cypriots in 1960, were Greek Cypriot (including Armenians and Maronites) and 18.86 percent were Turkish Cypriot. Date of Release: 27/05/2021 Category: Annual Publication. The Cyprus Population (Live) counter shows a continuously updated estimate of the current population of Republic of Cyprus delivered by Worldometer's RTS algorithm, which processes data collected from the United Nations Population Division.. Population. Greek Cypriots make up about 80 percent of the population, and Turkish Cypriots make up the remaining 20 percent. Population: 1,198,573. Migration (including immigration and emigration) increases population by 5,000 people yearly. 0.04052281019600201 (2019) Absolute number of deaths from ambient particulate air pollution. Population of Cyprus: today, historical, and projected population, growth rate, immigration, median age. Data tables, maps, charts, and live population clock. According to the results of the Survey on Income and Living Conditions 2019, 22,3% of the population in Cyprus or 194.400 people were at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the same year with the year 2018 used as the income reference period.According to a press release, issued by the Statistical ( 2 ) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, ( 3 ) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, ( 4 ) United Nations Statistical Division. health/Country-Health-Profiles-2019-Cyprus.xls Demographic factors EU Population size (mid-year estimates) 860 000 511 876 000 Share of population over age 65 (%) 15.6 19.4 Fertility rate¹ 1.3 1.6 Socioeconomic factors GDP per capita (EUR PPP²) 25 500 30 000 Relative poverty rate³ (%) 15.7 16.9 Unemployment rate (%) 11.1 7.6 1. ( 1 ) United Nations Population Division. The 1983 population of the north; the year the ‘TRNC’ was declared a ‘state’, was said to be 155,521. 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 2070 2075 2080 2085 2090 2095 2100 1,198,574 Population. Population of Nicosia. Demographics of Cyprus 2020. For the 2018-19 academic year, the foreign student population—including students from mainland Turkey—stood at 90,438 out of Northern Cyprus’ total population of about 350,000. Total number of cities: 18. In that year, approximately The UN estimates the July 1, 2021 population at 1,215,584. 2014 – 847,000. Cyprus has a population of 780 100 (2005). In the census that was conducted in 2011, there were DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS, 2019 (EN) Population estimates by month, end of the year estimates by five-year age groups, births and fertility statistics, deaths and mortality statistics, life tables, marriages, divorces and migration. In 2019, the EU countries with the highest number of marriages relative to the population were Cyprus (8.9 marriages per 1,000 persons), Lithuania (7.0), Latvia and Hungary (both 6.7), and Romania (6.6). During 2019, the highest crude rate of natural increase of population was registered in Ireland (5.8 per 1 000 persons), followed by Cyprus (4.1) and Luxembourg (3.1). Population, total - Cyprus. Rural Population from 1955 to 2020 Rural Population Urban Population 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 0 500k 1 000k 1 500k Above-ground biomass in forest per hectare. Publications. 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 2070 2075 2080 2085 2090 2095 2100 1,207,361 Population. The population of the Government controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus is estimated at 888.000 at the end of 2019, compared to 875.900 at the end of 2018, recording an increase of 1,4%, according the demographic statistics for 2019 issued by the Cyprus Statistical Service (Cystat).However, according to Cystat the Cypriot population is ageing with the number of children Yearly estimates of the population of Cyprus in the Government-controlled area according to Cystat. (2006) (2011) … The Turkish invasion of 1974 has been the most tragic event in the recent history of Cyprus, with a devastating impact on its demographic situation.
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