COR Retreat Daily Schedule Spiritual Direction ~ Retreatants are assigned a spiritual director for the retreat and may spend up to one half-hour each day in spiritual direction. 7:00 pm Opening Conference. … You are absolutely welcome to come! St. Francis Retreat Center is offering an 18 month internship in Spiritual Direction. David Rosenberg, director of St. Francis Retreat Center. 50 Linwood Road, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845-876-4178 For further information contact Fr. June 18 - 20, 2021. Healing Retreats. At Healing Retreats, kids receive wellness education, fun activities, and a strong sense of community support, while accessing therapies that assist in pain management, improve quality of life, and empower them to be part of their own healing. Prayer and Share One-on-one 10 minutes . The McIver Center is located just 15 minutes west of Minneapolis, MN. With Freddy Larrosa. Retreat Schedule Ideas & Examples Posted on April 11, 2018 June 25, 2019 by Suzanne When it comes to planning a retreat , whether it is a youth event , a family reunion, school outing, or just a group of friends, it’s always good to have a plan. This brings us to the June 12-14 Spiritual Growth Retreat at Lake Junaluska. “Private Retreat” LWCRC also maintains a very flexible Schedule for any one wishing to come for a day, weekend, mid-week or month visit. Dinner together is required. Our full list of activities is published in our 2021 brochure. Sharon will lead us in reflection as we explore how our images of God are formed and how God is longing to transform them. For more information about spiritual direction or the retreat center, please contact Helen Johnson at or 517-290-5161. If you are registering 48 hours prior to the program/retreat, we ask that you continue with your registration, but please call Capuchin Retreat during next day business hours to confirm we are able to accommodate your request. LINWOOD SPIRITUAL CENTER IS THE MINISTRY AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF THE SISTERS OF SAINT URSULA For the health and safety of our resident community, the property is closed to all non-registered visitors. WELCOME, COFFEE, NAME TAGS, GROUP ASSIGNMENTS . These retreats are preached by the priests of Miles Christi, according to the method and principles of St. Ignatius of Loyola.. Apart from the conferences and time for prayer, each day there will also be Holy Mass, Holy Rosary, and an opportunity for confessions. (2) Retreats with workshops are 3-days long starting Monday-Wednesday, Wednesday-Friday, and Friday-Sunday. That’s why I’ve designed two short templates so you can conduct your own at-home mini meditation retreat. Contact us either on our “” CONTACT PAGE on our web page, or phone 828-926-3833 for additional information or help. or (941) 486-0233, ext. Broom Tree Ministries is a retreat center that offers 5 day spiritual retreats available for full time Christian pastors and their spouses. Cost: $35 USD. Wisdom is universal. Location: Wayanad, Kerala, India. Women's Retreat Themes. The Spiritual Center, often referred to as the Retreat House, now has two locations in Mercer County, Ohio. COR Retreat participants spend five days and four nights together at the McIver Center for Spiritual Development at The Retreat in Wayzata, MN. The Spiritual Exercises are a weekend silent retreat with spiritual talks and time for personal meditation in silence. The retreat concludes with lunch on the last day of the program. A Virtual Event Using WHOVA! Here's a sample of what your schedule might look like: 5:30 – 6:30am: Sitting meditation. Consult our website for the most current retreat information and to register, now conveniently online! Awakening the Soul Retreat is the most *popular spiritual retreat* at Siddhayatan. We believe everyone is invited into the wholeness that Christ offers, and we seek to empower you to discern God’s particular invitation to wholeness. Designed to open you up to all that life has to offer and truly become … Saturday 6:30 – 9:30 am Continental Breakfast. 6:30 – 7:30am: Gentle yoga or walk. To view the schedule for the retreat, click here. New Hampshire. 2-DAY RETREAT . The WNCC UMW Administrative Committee has made the decision to reschedule our Spiritual Growth Retreat for June 11-13, 2021. 7:30 – 9:00am: Breakfast. Holistic Healing Retreat includes 6 individual sessions. I love attending meditation retreats, but can’t always find the time to do so—and when I can find the time, the retreat schedule often doesn’t line up with my own. Please note: as part of COVID-19 safety protocols, all staff, teachers, and retreatants at IMS will be required to show proof of COVID vaccination before arrival on campus. View the calendar for our scheduled retreats. Download our 2021 Brochure. The Retreat House - Spiritual Center of Maria Stein & Montezuma. Midweek Retreat Schedule. SAMPLE SCHEDULE . Don’t be afraid to sit in solitude and let the Holy Spirit direct your time. YOUR COST: $840 (plus your groceries / meals out) Choose your own dates (but … Use these sample schedules to get your creative juices flowing and adapt them to fit your group and location. (3) You are welcome to sign up for multiple programs to enjoy a longer stay! 4:00-5:30 pm Registration. Emphasis on Fellowship. This program is flexible enough to fit into a full time professional’s schedule. 9:30 BREAK . Friday Night. With this garden-themed retreat, there is a lot of potential for creativity, activities and enjoying nature as you study God's guidance for growth in the Bible. COR Retreat Experience. 9:00 am Conference. The following listing of retreat locations in lower Michigan is offered as a service to our readers, although the facilities are not directly connected to the Spiritual Directors Network. Sponsored by University of Metaphysical Sciences and Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center. 8:00 am IHRC Mass in Main Chapel. For those newer to meditation, here is a structured 1/2 day mindfulness retreat with Tara and Jack. 5:30-6:30 pm Dinner. Phone. Step Four: Prophet Shares Spiritual Keys (3 day retreat) MAY 28-31, 2021 Step Five: Spiritual Growth and Conditioning (3 day retreat) SEPT 3-6, 2021. Our new Montezuma location is located beside Grand Lake. >>>>> FREEBIE ALERT! The program is open to interested women and men, clergy, deacons, religious and laity. 4:00-7:00 pm Registration. We have been given many gifts. This spiritual retreat is based on the teachings of enlightened master Acharya Shree Yogeesh. We are all blessed children of God. We are all disappointed not to have a 2020 Spiritual Growth Retreat … Retreats. T here are NO GROUP Retreats scheduled for 2021, however: INDIVIDUAL SPIRITUAL RETREATS ARE AVAILABLE Linda FP offers 4-Days, 3-Nights individualized Retreats at Lake Huron Retreat Center (Littleton Lodge). PROGRAM OVERVIEW-We recommend that you read some of our books prior to your first retreat. A church retreat is an opportunity for your members to get in touch with their spiritual self, to get in touch with God. To stay on track of your objective, it is ideal that you coordinate your activities with your facilitator. If you are planning a retreat, spend some time to assure... A Buddhist retreat gives you a chance to put aside the concerns and demands of your everyday routine. By getting away from the noise and clutter of the city or where ever you come from, you can begin to relax and open up. Many people who go on Buddhist retreats feel more grounded, calmer and in touch with themselves. Our mission excludes no one and includes all. Date: Saturday, June 19 from 9am-1pm Eastern. To deepen your understanding of the spiritual and psychological foundations of Centering Prayer the following two retreats will be offered: 7-Day Intensive Centering Prayer Retreat – Provides an opportunity to immerse participants in the practice of Centering Prayer. Sleep lots. 10:45 BREAK . 3004. UNBOUND Reflection Evening. Our program offers alternative healing of Depression, Stress, Anxiety, Trauma, PTSD, Grief and Loss and detoxification, in a safe and supportive retreat … Retreat agenda is for participants to spend large blocks of time alone with God in prayer, rest, Bible study and time alone with their spouse. A silent directed retreat is designed to provide time and space for prayer and solitude. 10:00 1ST TALK 10 minutes . This Zoom retreat will be recorded, so even if you can't join us live, you'll have access to the event recording until mid-July. Retreat Center Schedule 2021-2022 We are so pleased to welcome you back to Barre for these on-campus retreats! Daily schedule set by participants. ABOUT THE SCHEDULE: (1) Personal, Silent, and Water Fasting retreats are offered daily. M-F, 9a-4p, (248) 651-4826. reCAPTCHA. 8:15 MOVE INTO SMALL GROUPS . Thursday, June 17th; 7pm - 9pm. We will have stations of the cross at 4:30 p.m., and a light supper at 5:30 p.m. for those who … If you prefer a more structured time, create a loose schedule of your favorite personal retreat ideas. There is no virtual option. Planted by God – Everything about a plant reflects aspects of our spiritual life, from strong roots and healthy growth to pruning and producing fruit. A meditation retreat is basically an opportunity to observe your mind non-stop. While popular portrayals suggest this leads quickly to less stress and better focus, what it actually leads to is the conclusion that you’re totally insane. As well as evening meditation with spiritual inquiry, and three vegetarian/vegan meals a day. See our schedule of free retreats & spiritual workshops, and make your reservation. Who We Are. Ignatius House offers spiritual retreats inspired by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish nobleman recognized as a Catholic saint for his simple-yet-powerful, five-step method for daily reflection that has been improving lives since the 16th century. Lunch at 12:30 p.m. Retreatants are welcome to arrive early, i.e., any time between 3:00 and 5:30 p.m. on the day of their retreat. Both Midweek and Weekend Retreats will begin at 7:30 p.m. with the welcome and orientation in the Marian Lounge. Retreats and Days of Prayer unless specified are for adults18 years or older. Theme: You Lift Me Up. Summer Retreat Schedule Please Note: All Retreats are on-site. Schedule A Conversation. This is the perfect platform for all men looking for a free space to learn and grow. 2021 Spiritual Growth Retreat. Lisa Beth White Tabernacle, Blue Ridge District. Miramar hosts various retreats and programs throughout the year. 8:30 RETREAT LEADER'S OPENING TALK . Registration Information Shown Below. Dinner on your own. Lots of ways to be in COMMUNITY with your United Methodist Women Sisters! The Midweek Retreat matches the weekend schedule. Pray a thousand different ways (with your camera, watching the sunset, cooking your meal, silence) try something you’ve never tried before. They will give you a foundation to gain the most from your attendance. MAY NO SOUL BE LEFT BEHIND! A retreat is a time to step out of the busy-ness of ordinary life to encounter the love, peace, and mercy of Jesus in a new way. Due to the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, the scheduled retreats at the Guest House and Retreat Center have been cancelled for the time being. This 7 day Personal Transformation Retreat in Hawaii will invite a LOVE & ZEST for life into your very BEING. 12:00 – 1:00pm: Lunch. Friday 6:00 pm Check-in/Registration. “The greatest teacher is silence. Retreat Leader: Rev. The Spiritual Center is a place where learning, rest, healing and fellowship can touch our lives. 16 Day Silent Spiritual Yoga & Meditation Retreat, Kerala, India. Sample schedule for residential mindfulness retreats: Conference topics center on Ignatian spirituality, prayer, and discernment. Our Mission. Weekend Retreat/Conference Schedule. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most 2020 men’s retreat plans were postponed. Discussion 15 minutes . A complete schedule is provided at registration. SUMMER INSTITUTE Theme: The Spirituality of 12 Steps: Facing our Addictions Our Summer Institute will focus this year on deepening your spirituality as you develop a … COR Retreat Philosophy. The weekend will include all of your meals, sleeping arrangements, 2 ceremonies, integration, workshops, and breath work. <<<<< Download our FREE One-Day Spiritual Retreat Schedule Here! You receive Linda’s personalized direction and Guidance throughout the Spiritually-themed Retreat. Online Resources for Your Home Retreat. 7:00-7:30 pm Icebreakers/Meet-n-Greet. This retreat includes a shared schedule of sitting, walking, and teaching and is part of our popular Power of Awareness training.. Payment can be made on the day of the program by cash, credit card or check. It features nine steps that helps you find and know yourself, discover your life purpose, and connect you to your soul. June 20 **ZOOM** Restorative Yoga. Join us at 7pm to engage in an evening of testimonies, prayer, worship, and healing. We offer weekend retreats for women and men who need a spiritual re-charging and re-ignition of their hopes. SATURDAY 7:45 a.m. Obviously Lake Junaluska is suffering since they have been closed to guests for several weeks and laid off much of their staff. 9:00am – 12:00pm: Sitting meditation, interspersed at intervals with walking meditation—for example, 45 minutes sitting/15 minutes walking. Donation $600 Please join us for a 3 day 2 night sacred ayahuasca retreat with Freddy Larossa in New Hampshire. At men’s retreat facilitated by, men enjoy a safe space to share their fears, dreams, and hopes in a relaxed environment. Labyrinth Walk at 4:30 p.m. Dinner at 5:30 p.m. These reflection evening events will occur on the third Thursday of every month! To register online, begin by clicking on the title of the retreat that interests you. 8:20 INTRODUCTIONS IN SMALL GROUPS . There will be opportunity to meet daily with a spiritual director, providing time to reflect on your spiritual journey and the presence and action of God in your life. Experience God’s love and discover your wholeness in Christ through spiritual companionship and retreats. We are not focused on making money on these spiritual teachings the way others are. Qi gong at 11:30 a.m. Silent prayer at noon. We have been led by Spirit and fed by Spirit; and we would like to share the gifts of Spirit with you. The schedule includes conferences each day, daily Mass, and an opportunity to meet at least once with the retreat director for Confession and/or spiritual direction. June 18-19, 2021, Virtual Event. Since this is your retreat, you can map out your day however you wish! 11:00 am Confessions, Spiritual Direction, Meditation. Emphasis on Teaching. Our Maria Stein location is about eight miles south of Grand Lake St. Marys.
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