Participants will gain an understanding of what stretch and challenge should look like based on evidence from Ofsted and research. Incentivise learners in selected activities by saying that the early finishers who complete work to a good standard can access quizzes and games online. To meet this new need in teaching and learning, Kerboodle launched their Stretch and Challenge worksheets. Unless teachers have the belief that students can tackle difficult challenges, cope with a demanding load of independent study and can be expected to deliver excellent work week-in, week-out, then it probably won’t happen. Then, when muscles are called on for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way. General opportunities for stretch and challenge … They give apprentices the opportunity to take their learning further and get the highest grade they possibly can. Top 6 Maths Challenges For Primary School Pupils. What ‘stretch and challenge’ aims to do is provide a level of challenge for all students/groups of students in a lesson so that the work they are presented with pushes them yet is still accessible – a perfect storm of good learning attitudes/skills and challenging work, leading to even better learning attitudes and more highly developed skills. Here it is: Preparing students for state exams while giving students a positive outlook of science Familiarity with classroom manipulatives. They give employers validation that their apprenticeship levy is being well spent. It’s about creating an ethos of ambition, aspiration and passion for learning which pervades the school … Focusing on the language we use in the classroom. You may not skip them. Delegates will leave the course with a host of new ideas they can use tomorrow with the minimum of teacher preparation time required. The resource combines three separate gr Stretching Challenge. They provide extra challenge for students, helping them to develop the three skill areas needed to achieve the A* grade in A2 examinations: Conceptual understanding; skills of ... scigeeks. Not only do we have students who achieve outstanding academic success, but we over-perform in the value we add to our students’ grades. Every student should be stretched and challenged, as basic differentiation regardless of ability. Posted in Evidence Informed, KS3, KS4, Retrieval Practice, Stretch and Challenge. All our 3-hour online workshops include: practical classroom-ready ideas and resources. To find a science fair project that is just right for you, browse our library of over 1,200 Science Fair Project Ideas or use the Topic Selection Wizard to get a personalized project recommendation. Ok but here’s how this month’s challenge is different than The Stretch Project. Stretching your most able students is not about creating extra or different activities for them. Barry Stephenson Assistant Head Teacher (Previous Head of Science and Mathematics) Dartford Grammar School Eliot Pugh Science College Manager Dartford Grammar School This means that you need to … We pride ourselves on the exceptional exam results we achieve in the Sixth Form. Prep: Find the activity you want, photocopy (and maybe some guillotine-ing!) Science and Engineering Challenge Constructarama was a week-long challenge for Years 7-9 that emphasized teamwork and creativity, and included lunch-time activities and demonstrations. Ultimately, concept cartoons are one example of how to stretch and challenge your pupils with maths activities. Excellent coverage across the topics, a nice variety of follow-on activities, well written articles and well elected further stimulus material to extend pupils Stretch provision should be inclusive It [s not about doing more, its about doing things a bit differently for your pupils It [s about challenging students to develop their skills as Scientists. Scour and search for those resources that will truly have an impact within your classroom. Pushing the boundaries or “taking the lid off”, as I like to put it, doesn’t always come naturally and it’s important for teachers to try hard to find out what students are capable of if they are given the chance to fly. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, which is needed to maintain a range of motion in the joints. They came up with a great list. STUDENTS INSCIENCE WITHSTEM. Opportunities outside of school to motivate and inspire students include masterclasses and residential university taster days. (or Historians, or Artists etc.) STRETCH!AND!CHALLENGE!POLICY! Differentiate learning activities by how challenging (hot) they are. Students were given a science or engineering problem to solve (e.g. Planning for learning Think up 2 extension questions/tasks for each session and add them to your plan so they can be used by early… This course outlines how to develop teaching and curriculum design to stretch and challenges pupils in science. Creating a Stretch and Challenge School is about more than adopting Stretch and Challenge teaching strategies or ambitious targets. Take a specific idea, question or thought linked to the lesson and ask students to imagine it as the focal point for a roundtable discussion. They must then construct a debate in which the different contributors discuss and argue back and forth with one another. You could give students a list of participants or ask them to come up with their own. Gifted and talented learners respond well to high expectations and high cognitive challenge. For a high ability group. This Stretch and Challenge pack contains 6 activities with accompanying teacher notes from our A2 Physics Kerboodle course. They provide extra challenge for students, helping them to develop the three skill areas needed to achieve the A* grade in A2 examinations: Conceptual understanding; skills of ... 1. Who it’s for: Although this is the Upper Key Stage 2 version, it is available for Lower Key Stage 2 too! This bespoke course explores the nature of Stretch and Challenge in the classroom and will support you to design a curriculum that embeds Stretch and Challenge into all lessons. To a great extent, this is the key to it all. So on day 6, you will do 1-5 and 6. STRETCHING AND. Stretch & Challenge is for all. Posts about Stretch and Challenge written by johnsy85. Every day I will need you to do stretches 1-5, your foundational stretches. This Stretch and Challenge pack contains 6 activities with accompanying teacher notes from our A2 Physics Kerboodle course. 2015!–16! Stretch and Challenge. building a bridge, catapult or balloon-buggy), provided with the equipment The Kids' Science Challenge is a project of Jim Metzner Productions, Inc. and made possible by the National Science Foundation. The Challenge titles provide targeted additional exercises that aim to stretch students to develop deeper knowledge and understanding, and to further refine their scientific skills. Don’t do ‘more of the same’ – ensure tasks are challenging and stretch the most able. The strategies will challenge and stretch every student. A fantastic resource to stimulate learning and further research; challenging enough to stretch the most able, but supported by structured questioning to make it accessible to all pupils.. Dr A England, HoD and Peer Reviewer. Good science fair projects have a stronger focus on controlling variables, taking accurate measurements, and analyzing data. But making sure our teaching allows pupils at every level (from ‘most able’ to ‘least able’) to receive the right challenges to ensure they grow and soar as mathematicians’ is what we should constantly challenge ourselves with as teachers. There is also some scientific evidence suggesting that stretching is helpful for common stubborn pain problems, such as neck and back pain,56 57 but it’s also a complicated, incomplete, underwhelming mess, like a good 2016 study of stretching for neck pain that had completely underwhelming results.58 Or a 2010 study of exercise for headache confirmed that stretching is … This is particularly the case with the introduction of the A* grade at A-level. Suggestions for Stretch and Challenge at Home In addition to provision in the classroom and through extracurricular enrichment, there are a range of activities that students and families can engage with at home and in the wider community to extend learning. The effective use of questions is vital for stretching … Our Science Careers pages provides resources for future scientists from elementary through college. I See Reasoning UKS2 – Gareth Metcalfe. Stretch and challenge is one of latest buzz words in education. Each activity is explained, often with examples. The Challenge titles provide targeted additional exercises that aim to stretch students to develop deeper knowledge and understanding, and to further refine their scientific skills. These workbooks aim to encourage and motivate students and promote scientific enquiry. Use higher level questioning to target students and to extend and challenge. This Stretch and Challenge pack contains 7 activity sheets with accompanying teacher notes. Biology Stretch and Challenge pack. STRETCH & CHALLENGE. Triple Science students were used as ambassadors during KS2 open events, Year 8 options evenings and during Science and Engineering week, when they ran a full-scale animal dissection, career speed dating and a cross-curricular tower … These workbooks aim to encourage and motivate students and promote scientific enquiry. Their activities generated debate across Triple Science classes and resources were uploaded onto the department’s VLE for subsequent year groups to use. Then beginning day 6, you will just add one move on. Challenge Top Tips 1) PRET Style Learning How to choose right/appropiate outside readings and material. small group size to facilitate interaction and full engagement. The place to start is in planning the curriculu… Stretch and challenge activities are an important part of apprenticeships. Below are my top suggestions on how to include stretch and challenge within every lesson to promote the rapid progress of all students and particularly those on the gifted and talented scale. That increases the risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage. The Challenge Toolkit provides 50 different activities to stretch and extend students' thinking. These ‘Stretch and Challenge’ pages are intended to help your son or daughter to take responsibility for some of their own learning at Arden. The Kids' Science Challenge is chock full of inspiring videos, fun games, and downloadable hands-on science activities. Learning intentions with a clear picture of learning journey; SOW for Year 7 to 9 developed in such a way to support progression and offer challenge to students (MSC for Years7 & 8; Higher Plus & Higher for Year 9); Targeted questioning to stretch and challenge; RAG (Red, Amber, Green) worksheets with scaffolding to help all students access the most challenging work e.g. No matter how old you are, it is always a pleasure to have a beautiful slender and flexible body. In lessons there will be occasions when they may like to increase the difficulty of the work, try an additional task or link their learning across subjects. Activities for ‘stretch and challenge’ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Plan questioning – questions that you ask and time for students to ask questions Use Bloom’s verbs in your lesson objectives Use images to generate discussion or challenge assumptions – including Wordle Use on-line tolls to promote discussion – such as Blogs, Edmodo or Lino-it Plan sequences of lesson that allow students to … STRETCHING ANDCHALLENGING. They said that education must challenge and support students at all levels, whilst identifying the most able and ensuring that they are stretched. Identification(process Jun 26, 2015 - The KS3 Science Stretch and Challenge Grid is one of the easiest ways to stretch and challenge the thinking of your students. Learning outcomes: gain a better understanding of what Stretch and Challenge means; have a clearer view of what Stretch and Challenge might look like in your classroom Using research and making use of evidence from cognitive science to inform education is now becoming a hotly debated topic on platforms such as twitter and more and more educational companies are using the ideas to support students. I see it as more than “gifted and talented” which focuses on the few. Education*to*understand*the*world*and*change*itfor*the*better* * PolicyContents:! This activity is not appropriate for use as a science fair project. Feb 8, 2017 - This Stretch and Challenge pack contains 7 activity sheets with accompanying teacher notes from our A2 Biology Kerboodle course. Hello my beautiful readers and welcome in 28 Days Stretching Challenge. Here are some tips for stretching learners without it seeming like such a punishment for them: 1. In 2015, Ofsted commented on stretch and challenge in the context of ‘the most able’. Students … Recently I asked a class what they thought their greatest challenges would be in teaching science. lesson plan template and teaching resources. Teachers therefore need to acknowledge this and provide personalised learning tailored to the needs of the individual. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. So, the first 5 days, you are doing the first 5 stretches! Use questioning techniques to boost thinking. Summary. 1. Exploring vocabulary and encouraging challenging vocabulary in the work students submit. ‘Hot’ learning menus. At this time of year, teachers are often planning ahead to the new term. However cognitive challenge and stretch is not provided by increasing a learner's workload but by enhancing the complexity. The activities are generic and can be used across Key Stages and in different subjects. 3. Recently we were reported as the grammar school which added the most value to students’ grades. Joints need to be trained constantly. Stretch and Challenge activities give the most able AS/A2 students the opportunity to demonstrate the full extent of their skills and knowledge. Here are some tips for incorporating stretch and challenge and differentiation into plans for learning/schemes of work. All can be used as extension within a lesson, or worked up into whole-class activities. Wholeschool(aims(2. With stretch and challenge being a key focus in school, we have brought together a collection of science extension activities you could use to challenge your KS3, KS4 and KS5 classes. Looking for science revision resources? Visit our GCSE/iGCSE Science revision collection. A set of writing tasks covering the content of AQA Physics A.
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