Westside Discs is excited to welcome Nikko Locastro to Team Westside! Overstable discs are your best choice when you need your shot to finish to the left. Throughout this article, keep in mind that unless otherwise specified, our description of how a disc responds to hyzer and anhyzer is in relation to a right handed player throwing back hand. Overstable vs. Understable Discs: How to Choose the Best Turn Rating This episode of our Video Guide Series features an ADVANCED explanation of disc golf disc Turn (high-speed stability) numbers, including how Turn affects flight, factors impacting Turn, and how to … Suscribete a nuestro boletín. An overstable disc released with an anhyzer angle will fly relatively straight path or a very tight s-curve. Which is the Best Disc Golf Driver for Intermediate Players? This is also the way to read the numbers. Buzzz, Mid-Range, All Players | More players agree: Buzzz™ is the best golf disc you can buy, period. Fairway Drivers: Thief for turnovers, Crave for straight, and Escape for overstable . Stability is a description of the disc’s flight path. Understable means a flight that turns right (RHBH throw). Stable is a flight that doesn’t turn. Overstable refers to a flight that turns left (RHBH throw). Spike/Spike Hyzer is a shot that lands almost vertically and doesn’t skip. This understable disc has a high degree of high-speed turn, followed by minimal low-speed fade. UNDERSTABLE – An Understable disc has a highspeed turn that is greater than its fade. There is no better tool to do that than an overstable putter. But sometimes I need an overstable disc! Most brands now use a 4-number flight rating, something like "9,4,-1,2". With a strong fade and reliable flightpath this is a disc that will earn a slot in many bags. Glide. If the total is 0, a disc is straight. The Prodigy Disc naming system is designed to help players figure … My question is how can you tell if a disc is overstable or understable based on the numbers? An understable disc generates more lift which will make the disc "turn" or go the opposite direction that it naturally wants to fade, so for a right-hand back-hand thrower the disc wants to fade to the left and an overstable disc will fight harder to go to the left and an understable disc will turn to the right until it is going slow enough to fade. Overstable The tendency of a disc to turn to the left at high or low speeds for a RHBH thrower. The crux of getting rid of OAT is to try to maintain angular integrity. https://discgolfmentor.com/how-to-tell-if-your-disc-is-understable-or-overstable Many have tried, but nobody can replicate the flight and feel of this disc. I understand that an understable disc will want to turn to the right (RHBH), and an overstable disc will fade left (RHBH). Viking Discs says this about the Thor: “Fast and overstable even in extreme wind situations. Innova Discs was the first company to start putting flight numbers on disc golf discs back in 2009. Austin. The brand Innova is one of the most popular disc golf discs manufacturers and using one of their discs when you are a beginner is not a bad idea at all. Discraft's 30-year reputation for consistency means that if you lose it, just pull out a new one and you're back in business. Many have tried, but nobody can replicate the flight and feel of this disc. Unlike overstable discs, understable discs will immediately indicate signs of OAT, if you do have it. The MVP Rover Cart is ready to … I also get the HST and LSF numbers of the disc rating system. An overstable disc is a disc whose flight has a hard hook to the left at the end of its flight. I will use the post to drive more user feedback. DOWNLOAD FLIGHT CHART. This shot is generally referred to as the flex shot and could be used with you want the disc to have a slight turn once it is released from your hand and then flex back quickly. "Turn" references how the disc will fly at high speed during the beginning and middle of its flight, and is rated on a scale of +1 to −5, where +1 is the most overstable and −5 is the most understable. No reviews. You’ll often hear the terms high-speed turn and low-speed fade associated with stability. You can trust Thunder God Thor to fade! Some overstable molds seem to have a more blunt nose than stable and understable molds, but I don't know if that is always true. Understable discs thrown with more zing will curve more to the right than discs thrown with less zing. Suscribete a nuestro boletín para recibir notificaciones sobre nuevos productos y ofertas especiales. The Innova Disc Golf Pro Shop. If its lower it will be less stable. High PLH usually means it will be overstable. Posts tagged “ overstable ” Our One Disc Challenge. Discs with negative turn ratings are understable to give maximum distance to beginners as they are not hauled sideways swiftly like overstable discs. To avoid OAT, a player needs to perfect their throw so that it is clean. The Factory Store offers Discount Disc Golf Discs, Quantity Discounts on Factory Seconds, Customer Reward Points, Free Shipping and more! Home of 5x World Champion Paul McBeth and Paige Pierce, Discraft has the widest selection of discs to meet all your needs on the course. An overstable disc exaggerates the turn to the natural fade side. Disc Golf Course Review > Equipment > Discs > Speed overstable vs. Prodigy PA-1 300 Soft Plastic - Prodigy Logo Stamp. Usually a bit … Turn. Throwing upshots with stable or understable discs is very difficult in the wind – as is putting – so it is important to give yourself the shortest putts possible in bad conditions. Aug 9, 2017 - This episode of our Video Guide Series features an ADVANCED explanation of disc golf disc Turn (high-speed stability) numbers, including how Turn affects flight The driver and mid-range discs of beginners should be between .5 and 1.5 (If your first driver is over-stable your first mid-range disc should be under-stable and vice versa.) Intermediate players need a golf disc that provides an accurate and reliable performance to sharpen their skills. understable midrange - all skill levels flight: 6.5, -4, 1 based on right hand back hand disc throws (rhbh) disc flies straight hellfire - overstable fairway driver predictable fade flight: 10.2. o, 5 undertow understable fairway driver - straight flying flight: 10.4 , -1.1 banzai - fairway driver resists fade flight: 8.4. o, … LOCAL PDX DISC … Shape overstable...? Thus the F7 is the most understable of the Prodigy fairway drivers and is perfect for beginning to intermediate players. Generally speaking, a +1 means it will immediately start turning left (overstable), a rating of 0 means it won’t turn either direction and will go straight (stable), and a negative number means it will start turning to the right (understable). The comfort and control of the buzzz with some extra glide. Discs that are more overstable generally have lower glide ratings, as they fight to get the ground more quickly in their flights, while understable discs often have higher glide ratings and tend to turn up away from the ground. About the Discraft Comet. In the first paradigm ‘stability’ is an absolute rating (based on a set speed) with a numeric value so it’s appropriate to claim that one disc has a higher or lower stability than another. A disc with a 1 to 0 turn rating is overstable. Unlike speed, glide is a pretty straightforward concept. +1 is probably as overstable as you will ever see or need-4 is crazy understable Cart Lower number discs are for distance controlled shots. The faster the disc is thrown, the more it will turn, therefore an understable disc will turnover more upwind than downwind. Disc Golf Stability Chart, overstable/understable. Finally, discs with a turn rating of -1 through -5 are considered understable. It is also going to give newer players some easy distance, as it doesn't require a ton of power to get working. If you ever have to play a course with just one disc, this is that disc. Forehanded, a right-handed throw will go right if overstable.) The consistent overstable putter gives you confidence approaching the green no matter what the weather is doing. Overstable Disc = Flex Shot. Glow - Usually the durable or premium plastic variation that has glow components added to make the disc glow in the dark. Overstable is very hard for beginners and newer players because these discs are made for players who can throw harder and can get a disc to spin more and fly straighter before it starts to fade to the left (RHBH thrower). Some people say bending the edges down will make a disc understable and bending them up will make it slightly overstable. $19.99. Overstable Discs. Overstability is a disc’s tendency to fade to the left, (RHBH thrower) against the direction of the spin, earlier on in flight than stable or understable discs. An understable (or unstable) disc will tend to go in the same direction of the throwing hand. CONCLUSION If the total is -1 to - 5, it's understable with - 1 being just slightly understable and -5 being very understable. Discs that have a 1, 0, or even -1 in turn rating are overstable discs. understable discs generally have -2 or more turns. I’ve tried this with a distance driver that was really overstable, even compared to other discs in the same mold. Take my brief review with a grain of salt, as I was forced to play with my non-dominant hand… still recovering from shoulder surgery. An example of an overstable slower disc is the Rhyno. Super Durable - Usually a Durable and Premium mix, resulting in a super durable disc that might have qualities of both discs mixed together. Overstable discs are rated 0 turns and three or more fade. The 4 numbers on disc golf disc are flight ratings according to the manufacturer. This product cannot be ordered at the moment. As for being a driver it is one of the slowest, but that is just as we want it. Great for winter, usually slight understable from the numbers. Discs with a turn rating of 1 are considered overstable. While most discs will end hooking to the left on a RHBH throw, the overstable disc will hook a bit sooner and have a lot fewer chances of turning over. Distance drivers: beat in thunderbird for understable, AvengerSS for straight, and Viking for overstable/power sidearm. [Archive] Speed overstable vs. Purchase unique discs and apparel. If you want to learn more about this disc, you can check it out HERE . the degree of negative integers is an indicator of how right a disc will go. Flight Numbers – Speed: 13, Glide: 5, Turn: -2, Fade: 2 An understable disc will often fly stable to overstable at low speed. Stable is a flight that doesn’t turn. If the total is 1 to 5, it's overstable with 1 being straight or just slightly overstable and 5 being extremely overstable. Zeus - Distance Driver: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 3 | Stability 1.9. To make it just a little more complicated, the direction the disc goes will depend on the speed it is traveling at the time. Therefore, the "4" in M4 means that it falls in the middle of our stability rating, making it a slightly understable, depending on the model range in that series. Prodigy PA-3 350G Plastic - Signature Series Bottom Stamp. Here, we will break down how flight ratings work into great detail. This reduces the chances of the disc fluttering during flight. This things is great for standstill shots, flip up forehands, and rollers. For me, it is. $16.49. See a full line-up of our discs and see why we are the leader in Disc Golf technology. Power throwers and forehand users will find the disc to be overstable enough, but still having some glide for maximum distance. Innova Pro Overmold Nova. Discs are given glide ratings of one through seven. Overstable Stable Understable 400 300 200 100 0 400 300 200 100 0 400 300 200 100 0 400 300 200 100 0 400 300 200 100 0 CHAMPION PRO DX STAR STAR STAR CHAMPION DX CHAMPION STAR STAR CHAMPION DX STAR PRO STAR PRO DX ... numbers are faster. Understable Driver Review by Ryan . Overstable discs have a lower glide rating and have a positive turn rating. A disc becomes understable as it gets beat in because the wing is getting bent down over and over when it … Confusing, I know. Customer Reviews. 19. Discraft CometAbout the Discraft Comet. The Discraft Comet is the perfect beginner midrange driver. It is straight flying with plenty… Disc Golf bags designed for the professionals and beginners alike. Trident is an overstable control driver good for windy days and those safe hyzer shots. The consistent overstable putter gives you confidence approaching the green no matter what the weather is doing. and the numbers that follow the letter range from the number 1 being the most overstable, and the highest number being the most understable. Flight Numbers: Speed 4 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 3. What it does tell you is how fast you need to throw the disc for the other numbers to accurately describe the disc’s flight. The low profile and flat top make this disc a very popular choice for flick approaches. Understable Control Driver: INNOVA Champion Leopard3: Speed: 7.0 Glide: 5.0 Turn: -2.0 Fade: 1.0 : Understable Control Driver: 1. If you need a predictable hard fade on your approach, the Loki has you An understable disc fights that natural fade longer, pulling to the other side before it finally fades. Discs. Overstable disc: Discs with Overstability need throws very hard with high speed. Jul 29, 2017 - This episode of our Video Guide Series features an ADVANCED explanation of disc golf disc Turn (high-speed stability) numbers, including how Turn affects flight With a great feel in the hand and close to fairway driver like speed, the Squall is one of the fastest midrange discs available. Understanding these numbers will help you pick out the right discs easier. Since our focus here is on the understable distance drivers, let’s address why a player would want an understable disc. The Innova Daedalus is one high speed distance driver that almost caters directly do a group with a slower arm speed. Our models range from 1 to 7 - '1' being the most overstable and '7' being the most understable. Quality: Value: Price: Service: The Roadrunner is an outstanding beginner distance driver, along with an amazing utility disc for more experienced players. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Grab a Tim Barham Buzzz SS today!! Discs that have a moderate amount of high speed turn are stable, and discs that resist turning right even at high speeds are overstable. We have been working with Nikko on learning his new discs, creating some new combinations of plastic and mold for him, and getting his input on a new Westside Discs disc golf bag. I have a question about the Westside Discs Warship, and its flight numbers. For example, a disc with flight numbers 13/5/-3/1 would be considered understable. With a right hand backhanded (RHBH) thrower, overstable discs turn to the left at the end of flight.Understable discs turn over to the right at the beginning of flight and ultimately fade left at the end of the flight. Viking Discs says this about the Loki: ”The Loki is a very overstable Putt & Approach disc from Viking Discs. The Hades has a flight rating of 12 / 6 / -3 / 2, putting it very close to an Innova Star Tern, which shares the same flight rating (Star plastic has the -3 turn rating, Champion and others are rated at -2). Overstable vs. Understable disc: There are two types of discs based on stability. Prodigy F5 500 Plastic - Made in Dalton Stamp. Thunder God Thor is … When you release a disc, it will fly according to its strength. Shop our large selection of discs, bags, carts, and other disc golf accessories. Well you came here to find out about those 4 little numbers on your disc, so let’s jump right in. The differences between overstable and understable are that when thrown at high speed, overstable discs will naturally flow to the left, while understable discs will flow to the right. Our main goal is to ensure that each customer is satisfied with their purchase. Throw it hard and versatile Buzzz™ will hold any line you put it on. For example, a disc with flight numbers 13/5/-3/1 would be considered understable . Overstable will continue straight and quickly deviate left of that straight line. "Fade" references how the disc will fly at lower speeds towards the end of its flight, and is rated on a scale of 0 to 5, where 0 has the least fade, and 5 has the most fade. Discs that have a lot of high speed turn are understable. This makes the game more fun to play (because you simply throw further) and you learn the technique better in a correct way. We have a good resource for explaining disc golf disc numbers here! Pro Tip: Try throwing an overstable mold but in a lighter weight, this can provide a little extra distance and workability to a disc that will provide consistency. Reviews. For many faster arm speed players, the World is not a good choice into a headwind. Examples of overstable driver discs might include the Boss, Firebird and Ape. A short cut method for determining whether this disc is over or under stable is to add the last two numbers in the flight numbers, in this case: -3+1=-2. Overstable vs Understable discs, understanding what they mean and how to tell which disc will do what you need it to do for specific shots!Want to support th . Baskets for professional courses and your own at home practice. It means that you need to put so much power in your shot and have the excellent arm strength. Great prices, fast shipping, and superb customer care! Yes, power throwers can also get some results from it, but it might be too understable. Flight Numbers: Speed 4 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 3. The Captain has a nice Understable flight that should be workable for players of all skill levels. Please note: Disc colors and stamp will vary, weight range 160-175.1g. Stable is distinct from overstable and understable which are also unique characteristics in themselves and are defined in this Basic Disc Terminology article. Fade is measured on a scale of 0 to 5. (Try this with an Innova Blizzard Destroyer) Wondering what the numbers on your disc mean? Fairway Drivers have slightly smaller rims than distance drivers and are easier to control because they have less speed potential. Reach for the Volt when accuracy is needed on long, tight fairways. The turn of a disc is based on a sliding scale with numbers from 1 to -5. Popular brands like Innova, Discraft, Dynamic Discs, MVP, Prodigy, & much more! Understable discs are much more speed sensitive than stable or overstable discs. They fly considerably more overstable for me than their numbers say they should. Understable means a flight that turns right (RHBH throw). The disc used in this article is the Innova Valkyrie in champion plastic, a very popular understable control driver. The Intro: A few weeks ago fellow Doglegger, Destin, casually mentioned that we should battle in a “one” disc round at one of the local parks sometime soon.
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